Create Long-Lasting Fog Effects with Dry Ice

Creating fog with dry ice is perfect for evoking a frightening feeling on Halloween, adding a dramatic flair when shooting photography or turning a garage band performance into a concert-quality event. The key to creating an unforgettable fog effect with dry ice is to keep the fog flowing from the start of your event until the finish. You can find Penguin Brand Dry Ice® near you using our store locator.
Here are four tips that can help you maximize fog created with Penguin Brand Dry Ice®:
1. Use the right water-to-dry-ice ratio
The ideal water to dry ice ratio for long-lasting fog effects is about 1/2 gallon of hot water per pound of dry ice. Using the right amount of hot water will help maximize the fog.
2. Make sure your bowl is deep enough
Ideally, you want to use a thick, rectangular chunk of dry ice and a bowl large enough that the water submerges the dry ice by about half an inch. A good rule of thumb is to find a bowl that’s about three times as deep as the thickness of the dry ice you’re using. This will allow the fog to pool before it spreads out.
3. Take control of your fog’s direction by using a fan
Whether you’re indoors or outside, dry ice fog will only dissipate about three feet from the source. To maximize the range of the effect and allow the fog to cover a larger area such as a dance floor, use a small fan on a low setting to direct the fog where you want it to go.
4. Cycle the water as often as possible
This tip has the largest impact on how long your dry ice fog effect will ultimately last. If you have a setup where you can circulate the water on a regular basis, you’ll be able to keep the reaction going longer. If you allow the water to stagnate, the amount of carbonation infused in the water will decrease the amount of fog you can generate.
Now you can create endless dry ice displays for every occasion. To get started, use our store locator to find a retail location that sells Penguin Brand Dry Ice nearest you.